Welcome to Truth in Software

Common Code, Coding Conundrums, Creative Cures, Computing Craft

Home of the official Bytellect blog


What happened to the .h in C++ header files?

Learn the subtle difference betweenn C header files and C++ headers...

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Why do I often see int instead of bool returned by Boolean functions in C and C++?

Learn why Boolean results are still passed via int return values, even after the introduction of Boolean types...

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What happened to the .h in C++ header files?

Learn the subtle difference betweenn C header files and C++ headers...

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Bytellect LLC web site is live!

Read the announcement about the Bytellect LLC website going live...

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How to Set Up Visual Studio Community 2017 for C Programming

Here are the steps needed to create a C-based project in VS 2017...

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Which is faster in C++: call by value, call by reference, or call by pointer?

How an argument is passed and received doesn't always tell you about relative performance...

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Is OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) dying?

OOP is still alive and well as a programming paradigm, with no signs of disappearing...

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What do we mean by portability of C language source code?

You never know when or where your source code will have to be ported, so pay attention to developing portable code...

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Think before you type – variable names and other entities

Consistent naming conventions are a critical part of a local coding standard, to maximize readability and maintainability...

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