16 Posts Tagged: programming in c++ Tag content as of 01/14/2025 Home Click a title or thumbnail to go to a post. Are C and C++ still relevant and are they worth learning? Can I return more than one thing from a C or C++ function? Death of the Register Keyword May Be Greatly Exaggerated Disabling Warnings from Legacy and Third-Party Header Files Friend Classes in C++ In C++, when should I use a class vs a struct? Is “C/C++” a thing? What happened to the .h in C++ header files? What is the maximum value of an int in C, C++, and C#? What is the third parameter I sometimes see defined in the main function? What would happen if a bitwise operator like ^ were applied to objects of a C++ user-defined class? Which is faster in C++: call by value, call by reference, or call by pointer? Why do I often see int instead of bool returned by Boolean functions in C and C++? Why doesn’t C++ support variable length arrays (VLAs)? Why don’t they add a garbage collector to new versions of C and C++? Will a game engine in Python be slower than one written in C++?