Welcome to Truth in Software

Common Code, Coding Conundrums, Creative Cures, Computing Craft

Home of the official Bytellect blog


Does the free function make a pointer NULL in C?

Learn what the C free function does, what it doesn't do, and how to use it defensively...

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Should software developers understand how operating systems work?

There are many things a software developer, engineer, or programmer should know, including how operating systems work...

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How do I control where Debug.WriteLine debug output goes in C#?

Learn how to control where your C# debug output is sent...

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Are C and C++ still relevant and are they worth learning?

Find out why the C and C++ programming languages are still highly relevant in software development...

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Why should I add comments to my code?

Readability of source code is vitally important, but comments need to add value, not just restate the code...

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Should abbreviations and acronyms be avoided as identifiers in source code?

Naming conventions should address abbreviations and acronymns, to maximize consistency and readability...

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Are linked lists slower or faster than arrays?

Discover that neither linked lists nor arrays are inherently faster data structures...

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What is code hoisting?

Learn what the code hoisting optimization technique is all about...

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Origin of the Three-Finger Salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL)

Learn where this ubiquitous keyboard attention sequence came from...

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