Common Code, Coding Conundrums, Creative Cures, Computing Craft
Home of the official Bytellect blog
The C programming language is very much alive, well, evolving, and thriving. The age of a language is irrelevant...
Learn how to get the Windows screen resolution programmatically in C...
Callback functions are valuable in both synchronus and asynchronous programming situations...
Garbage collection is not free, and can render a programming language completely inappropriate for some type of software projects...
Find out why the maintinability of your source code is critically important to project success...
Discover how difficult it is to beat a modern, mature compiler optimizer at generating high-performance code...
Find valuable career advice for software engineers, developers, or programmers who want to get promoted...
Learn how more that one piece of information can be returned from a C or C++ function...
Learn how some implementations give you access to the values of environment variables through a parameter to the main function...
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